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Whiplash Injury Care at Active Life Wellness

If you’ve been in an auto accident in the state of Florida, you have just 14 days to visit a medical professional to document your injuries & claim your benefits. Free transportation is available if needed. Contact Active Life Wellness now!

Minor Accidents Are Most Dangerousperson with neck pain after auto accident

The latest research studies conclude that occupants can be injured considerably more in auto accidents that could be termed “fender benders” than in higher-speed collisions. It is very tempting to minimize your injuries because your car has very little or no damage, but nothing can be further from the truth according to the experts.

What Happens to Your Body

Slow motion video reveals that upon impact, your body is forced deeply into your seat and then within an instant it changes direction, moving quickly forward to the restraining limits of your seat belt. However, your head actually moves in the complete opposite direction!

Since the seat belt cannot restrain your head, it is jerked back & forth beyond its normal limits. Everything seems to be happening in slow motion and you can’t stop your head from the whipping motion of quickly backward and then immediately forward…ouch!

Treating Whiplash Quickly is Vital

Seeking chiropractic care after a car accident is vital! Whiplash can cause very serious soft tissue damage which, left untreated, can significantly diminish your quality of life. Unfortunately, these issues are often masked with traditional medical treatment. Make sure to contact our office right away so we can help you feel better.


Whiplash Injury Care Plantation FL | (954) 423-0020