Medical Treatment Isn’t Enough

Pills don’t heal the injured and inflamed soft tissue such as tendons, muscles and ligaments.
If you are transported to the emergency room, you may be told that everything is ok and you are completely healthy because thankfully there are no broken bones or visible open wounds.
You might even get a prescription to reduce any muscle spasms that are directly caused by the structural changes to your spine in the neck, mid and lower back.
The reality is that the drugs just numb your body and you’ll most likely be too “out of it” to get behind the wheel and drive.
Fast Facts:
- Pills don’t heal the injured and inflamed soft tissue such as tendons, muscles and ligaments.
- Muscle relaxers don’t fix torn muscles.
- The cervical collar or back braces don’t restore the critical normal forward curvatures that are present when your spine is healthy.
All the drugs do is cover up your pain while your body tries to adapt to the structural damage caused by the accident. If your body doesn’t adapt, you run the risk of becoming addicted to the medication or have to learn to live with the intense chronic pain and possibly frequent headaches.
Why Chiropractic?
A better approach to regaining your health is to choose a health professional that truly understands soft tissue injuries, spinal biomechanics and physical rehabilitation protocols. Chiropractic care focuses on finding and correcting the cause of your health problems, not simply masking symptoms.
A comprehensive chiropractic examination and specific care strategies are the most effective approach towards assisting your body to heal from the unfortunate accident.
Ready to get started? Contact us today!